
Doug Lyon has never missed playing the bugle at an Anzac Day service for the last 66 years. April 20, 2023 // The Gympie Times

The Good Friday march in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Easter 2014.

Liu Zelin, Zun Wang and Liu Yufeng are Chinese students living in Brisbane, Australia who have spent the last three years navigating their lives throughout the pandemic.
The Overseas Chinese Students Trapped Between Two Pandemic Realities, November 2022 // Shot and reported for Sixth Tone

Victorian Senator Bridget McKenzie at a press conference in Gympie, Queensland. April 2023 // The Gympie Times

Property owner Ian Davies asks a question of Powerlink representatives during a Kilkivan town meeting over high voltage transmission lines planned to run through properties in the region. May 5, 2023 // The Gympie Times

Property owner Mardi Brady stands outside her house in Blacksnake after news her property falls directly within the transmission lines planned to connect the Borumba pumped hydro dam to the Woolooga substation. March 2023 // The Gympie Times

On Boxing Day 2023, a sudden, 15-minute ‘mini-tornado’ ripped through Forage Farms in Kybong. The wind picked up six mobile chicken houses and sent them flying through the air 40 metres across paddocks and into each other.

Publisher and father-of-three, Kenton Webb, has spent the past 30 years on a mission to swim 1000m in 1000 pools across the world. This week he achieved his 600th milestone in Gympie. April 2023 // The Gympie Times

Olivia Mehonoshen warms up for the 2023 Gympie Eisteddfod. July 2023 // The Gympie Times.

The Cooloola Christian College prep class of 2023. January 2023 // The Gympie Times

Melissa Vowles arrives at St Patrick’s 2023 senior formal. May 2023 // The Gympie Times

Chris, Lisa, Emma and Hunter Farnes enjoy ‘Mary’ Christmas in Gympie’s Mary St. December 2023 // The Gympie Times

More than 20 years after it was released, Kasey Chambers awes the crowds - young and old - with her hit song “Not Pretty Enough” at the 2023 Gympie Music Muster. August 2023 // The Gympie Times

Dallin and Ronice show off their game winnings at the Gympie Show. May 2023 // The Gympie Times

Jaxon Mcgourty and Ella Ash arrive at Cooloola Christian College for their 2023 senior formal. October 2023 // The Gympie Times

Mo Hang is one of many young Chinese who are embracing traditional Hanfu as daily attire.
It’s not just a costume: Chinese people who ditched the jeans for ancient robes. November 2018 // Shot and reported for Goldthread (South China Morning Post)

Volunteers canvas Brisbane neighbourhoods ahead of the 2022 Australian Federal Election to raise awareness for climate policy. May 2022 // Shot for Climate Action Network Australia

Jennifer Miller has become a leading advocate for lasting welfare reform after her son tragically took his own life after being issued with a robodebt. September 2023 // The Gympie Times

Rowan Dyer was able to give her lifelong friend, Yvonne Brown, a chance to die with dignity at their Glenwood home due to the services offered by Little Haven Palliative Care. August 2023 // The Gympie Times

Kathleen Madgwick has become a leading advocate for lasting welfare reform after her son tragically took his own life after being issued with a robodebt. September 2023 // The Gympie Times

Wangan and Jagalingou man Abraham Jarrett stands outside the Bravus (formerly Adani) mine in Central Queensland supporting his uncle and grandfather in their fight to repatriate themselves back to their ancestral lands. May 2021.

Brisbane Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance take to the CBD and demonstrate against continued racial colonial imperialism on the public holiday given to mourn the death of the late Queen Elizabeth II. September 22, 2022.

Brisbane Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance burn an Australian flag during their demonstration against continued racial colonial imperialism on the public holiday given to mourn the death of the late Queen Elizabeth II. September 22, 2022.

Aramae of Aiyura, Papua New Guinea. August 2019.

A boy looks out the window of a 4WD navigating the rough roads between Goroka and Aiyura in the Central Highlands of Papua New Guinea. August 2019.

Villagers selling strawberries in Goroka, Papua New Guinea. August 2019.

Multimedia journalist Navin Sam Regi at his exhibition of My Little Sunshine. May 2022 // Shot for The Westender

Chen sits in his small room in a recycling village on the outskirts of Beijing. Once a lucrative job, recycling workers are now facing growing economic uncertainty with few other prospects but to return to their agrarian life. June 2015 // Thesis project for MA in International Multimedia Journalism

Three young monks take a rest between studies in a monastery on the outskirts of Yangoon, Myanmar. April 2013.

Chongqing is a city in constant flux, and personal items are scattered around construction sites with little certainty of whether they are belongings of past or future occupants. December 2017

Tibetan yak herders shear and collect the wool from their goat herds in Dechen, Gansu. Each summer families will spend days sharing the work of shearing, immunising, and tagging their herds. July 2019 // Shot for Yakma

A Tibetan man fells a yak to the ground as part of the annual practice of shearing, immunising, and tagging their herds. Yaks are the keystone of Tibetan life Dechen, Gansu. July 2019 // Shot for Yakma

The village men rest after a long week of catching and shearing yaks for families throughout the village. Dechen, Gansu. July 2019 // Shot for Yakma

Yakma is a handmade, all-natural yak milk soap made by women of the Tibetan plateau. The social enterprise gives women an opportunity for economic independence and aims to build a safe and supportive environment for them. July 2019 // Shot for Yakma

Hope helps manage the Dutton Park Growing Forward community farm. During the pandemic, a loosely formed group of gardeners, activists, and residents came together and planted three inner-city urban farms across unused public land in Brisbane. November 2020 // Shot for Growing Forward

Stef Palmer is a Brisbane yoga teacher. April 2022 // Shot for Yoga for Stef

Yakma is a handmade, all-natural yak milk soap made by women of the Tibetan plateau. The social enterprise gives women an opportunity for economic independence and aims to build a safe and supportive environment for them. July 2019. // Shot for Yakma